Saturday, May 5, 2007

Another Swap?!

Ok, I am becoming addicted to joining swaps. I said it, and admit it. Here is the proof... I'm still a virgin to swapping and yet I keep joining more swaps. (I'm a bit worried about getting in over my head) Well, this new one is perfect for me. REALLY! If you have had a chance to look at my completed projects you would see that I have made many dishcloths. It all started when I bought a 365 patterns a day book and wanted to try out new patterns. What better way to do it then making a dishcloth! Voila! So imagine me jumping around different blogs and finding someone with this swap button. I couldn't resist and checked it out. I read the requirements and the deadline was made just in time. Yea! Funny enough, the same person I found to have this new swap, also has a few of the same swaps as me! I hope she doesn't mind me putting her blog here. Well, now I need to answer the questionnaire for this new swap, so here it is:

When did you learn to knit? Who taught you? I think it was 1995. I learned from a family friend that I lived with for a year in Colorado. I only knitted for a year then stopped until in 2005 a co-worker talked about learning how to knit and got me all excited again. Since then I have been a knit and yarn junkie. (My husband just thinks I'm crazy)
What was your very first completed object? Funny enough....a washcloth!Your most recent? Jelly Bean (toy bunny) see my blog.
What was the very first thing you sent to the frog pond? (pulled out and started over) Your most recent? I haven't had any that I completely frogged and started over. My most recent frog was....a washcloth. I lost count and it had too many k2tog and yo for me to undo a few rows. I just decided to trash it or frog it.
What is currently on the needles for you? I have about 5 different projects, but the one that I recently picked up is my second Jelly Bean in Hufflepuff colors.
What types of needles do you enjoy working with? What have you tried and hated? Knitting dishcloths, I use only Clover us#8. It is the best needles when using 100% cotton. I find metal too slippery and plastic to clingy. For other projects I have used metal and plastic. I try to find the needles best suited to the yarn being used.
Have you knit dishcloths before? Yes
What was your favorite one? I made one as a gift using a cable stitch and felt it turned out really nice.
Least favorite? Don't remember.
Do you use homemade dishcloths or face cloths yourself, or give them as gifts, or both? I use and gift and sell.
What are your favorite and least favorite scents? (For your body, such as soap/lotion/etc) I love lavender, mint, rose, and citrus. My least favorite would be musky or powdery smells.
What are your favorite colors? I like all colors but I guess I focus mostly on greens and blues or reds and browns
What colors (if any) are your bathroom and kitchen decorated in? Bathroom is White with blue accents; Kitchen is pale yellow with red accents.
What other hobbies and crafts do you enjoy? Only have time for knitting and reading.
Chocolate: Dark? White? Milk? Ew? Love love love dark chocolate!
Do you like salty treats? What kinds? Of course! Pretzels
If you could go anywhere in the world for one day and spend the day any way you wanted, where would you go and what would you do? Hard question....I guess since this is all about knitting, I will say I would go to France and check out all the yarn stores.
Do you have any allergies? (Yarns, foods, etc. that might impact what your pal can send) None!


Unknown said...

Hello new friend!
I am here to spoil you. Don't worry you will be well taken care of. I am so excited for this swap. I checked out the Lucca purse on your blog. I think I may put it on my to-do list also. Have a great day.

Your secret dishcloth swap pal

Laura said...

Hi dishcloth swap pal! I'm looking forward to receiving your package! Some day I will get around to knitting that Lucca purse too. I love the look of it.

SissySees said...

Hi Laura! Tag... you're it. Head over to my blog - - to figure out what I mean! ;)

Sock Pal said...

Is there any special type of yarn that is your favorite? What are your favorite colors? I am your sock pal and I am so excited to get started!! You can e-mail me at